Assistant Chaplains are trained volunteers from local Uniting Church congregations who are connected with a venue such as a hospital or aged care facility. They usually visit once a week and provide pastoral support to the patients/residents, family members and staff.
Assistant Chaplains are usually Elders in their local Uniting Church congregation and are committed to providing quality pastoral care to people in healthcare or aged care.
Assistant Chaplains work in conjunction with the staff at their assigned venue.
Assistant Chaplains have undergone an orientation and accreditation program and receive ongoing support and training as part of their role.
Pastoral Care Visitors:
Chaplaincy has partnered with Grampians Health - Ballarat Base Hospital (GH-Base) to develop a team of Pastoral Care Visitors (PCV's).
PCV's provide pastoral visiting support to patients on each ward at the Base Hospital
PCV's are on the ward weekly
PCV's are available to speak with any & all patients - regardless of religious affiliation or faith
PCV's work collaboratively with nursing staff and pastoral staff at GH-Base
PCV's are trained and supported cooperatively between GH-Base and Chaplaincy
PCV's are from a range of Ballarat's local Christian churches
Fill out the form below to register your interest in becoming a PCV.